
Our patient scheduling system is flexible enough to accommodate patients with urgent, non-urgent, complex and planned chronic care, and preventative needs.

Our aim is to provide enough time for adequate communication between you and your doctor. As such, appointments are made at 15 minute intervals. You are encouraged to ask reception staff at the time of booking for a longer appointment if you think it is necessary.

Appointments which may require extra time include: medical forms, skin checks, pap smears and consultations in which more than one issue needs addressing.

Ambulance Service is available 24 hrs 7 days a week

In the event of an emergency please Dial 000 or visit your nearest emergency department.

Whilst staff will make every effort to provide you with your preferred appointment time, emergencies will always be given priority. In the event of an unforeseeable delay, staff will attempt to contact you.

After Hours & Home Visits

For urgent medical matters after 6:00pm on weeknights, on weekends & on public holidays, please phone NATIONAL HOME DOCTOR SERVICE 13 SICK on 13 74 25 to arrange a home visit if required, or visit your nearest Emergency Department.  Patients who hold a Medicare card will be bulk billed.


Problems concerning babies and children should be directed to the Royal Children’s Hospital  Emergency Department on 9345 5522.

Reminders & Practice Information

Our practice is committed to preventative care and will issue you with reminder notices. Please advise the staff if you do not wish to participate in this program.

Download our registration form